Everyone in class listens closely when a knowledgeable student explains some facts to his university professor. Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution 'Creation Science Facts' expos .
Instructor: There are millions of marvelously designed life forms in the world today, and they all evolved by natural selection.
Student: But prof, natural selection is nothing more than "accidental changes."
Instructor: Natural selection is amazing in what it can produce, and it is all done randomly.
Student: But prof, random action could produce only a very few usable combinations. All the rest would be useless or lethal.
Instructor: We have many evidences of evolution by natural selection in the world today and in the fossil record.
Student: But prof, those evidences only consist of subspecies changes, and that is not evolution. Only change across species could produce evolution.
Instructor: The very fact that there are any changes at all substantiates natural selection.
Student: But prof, such changes are but the result of gene shuffling within the genetic pool permitted by the DNA code governing each species. It is not evolution.
Instructor: The peppered moth is a powerful example of evolution. In fact, it is about all we, I mean one of the best we have.
Student: But prof, both are merely varieties of the same species, Biston betularia.
Instructor: Then there are resistant flies and bacteria.
Student: But prof, the flies are still flies and the bacteria have not switched species either.
Instructor: Natural selection operates by changing one little part and later another. All are slow, gradual, random changes.
Student: But prof, the principle of syntropy requires that everything must be in place instantly, or the organism cannot survive more than a few moments. The liver could not wait millions of years for the heart to be invented.
Instructor: The very fact that different species exist is the best proof that natural selection must have produced them.
Student: But prof, the very fact there are different species no halfway species between them proves that natural selection did not produce them. There should be no distinct species at all.
Instructor: The very randomness of natural selection is its most striking factor.
Student: But prof, to assume that random activity produced all the wonders of nature is to make a god of chance actions.
Instructor: Along with natural selection or instead of it many believe that mutations are the key to evolutionary change. According to this view, which has strong evidence supporting it, random mutations produce all the marvelous creatures in the world about us.
Student: But prof, there is no evidence supporting evolution by mutations. In contrast, there is clear-cut evidence against it.
Instructor: Millions upon millions of chance mutations were needed to produce even one new species.
Student: But prof, mutations are extremely rare in nature. They rarely occur.
Instructor: These mutations worked harmoniously, beneficially to produce all our plant and animal life.
Student: But prof, all mutations are harmful! Most are weakening or damaging, and many are outright lethal!
Instructor: As with natural selection, mutations randomly occur and do their great work by producing random effects.
Student: But prof, randomness could never produce even one new species, much less all of them. The precisioned requirements and interworking of structures and functions within each plant and animal require careful thought, accurate design, and competent craftsmanship. Randomness could never do the job.
Instructor: Fortunately, there were millions of years for the task to be completed.
Student: But prof, everything had to be there, perfect, and all at once, or immediate death would result.
Instructor: The beneficial effects of mutations can be seen all about us.
Student: But prof, not once has a beneficial mutation ever been recorded. They always only harm, damage, weaken, or kill outright.
Instructor: Little changes here and there produce great results over a period of time.
Student: But prof, it has been found that mutations, which are always harmful, have widespread damaging effects on genes.
Instructor: It was not until the use of X rays and mutagenic chemicals that mutations could be intensively studied. The effects of immense numbers of X rays have been studied on millions of generations of fruit flies and other lab creatures.
Student: But prof, this mass of knowledge has only confirmed that mutations are always harmful and are totally incapable of changing one species into another.
Instructor: Given enough mutations over a great enough period of time, anything can happen; which is why we know mutations can produce new species.
Student: But prof, using computers mathematicians have found there isn't enough time in a trillion trillion trillion years for mutations to produce even one new species.
Instructor: Mutations accomplish so much.
Student: But prof, the best mutations accomplish the least and therefore damage the least. Those that accomplish the most, kill outright, for they damage in such big ways.
Instructor: Thus we see that mutations are the chief source of evolution.
Student: But prof, new genetic information would be needed for one species to evolve into another. But mutations only warp and damage existing data; they provide no new information.
Instructor: Every mutational change is a step in the right direction.
Student: But prof, organic change requires positive networking changes, and these mutations could never accomplish.
Instructor: The greatest evidence that mutations can produce changes is to be found in fruit fly research.
Student: But prof, all the changes were damaging, and none changed fruit flies into something else. They remained fruit flies.
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