Thursday, April 8, 2010

Muet (siri 2)

Salam, here,
Sambungan analisa muet writing 2005-2007.
(sori, x reti nak speaking macam orang lain)
untuk 2008-2009, sapa boleh kesan, silalah kongsi.

For our information,
format writing Q2 dulu-dulu memang ada soalan report, article, etc..
but, for the latest one, start 2005 until now,
InsyaAllah, setelah dikenalpasti melalui sumber2 tertentu dan dikaji bersama,
formatnya hanya argumentative essay..x de report, etc..hanya argument.250 words.

Untuk writing Q1, bukan buat essay eh, Summarization berdasarkan article yang dah diberi.
article x semestinya satu je. kadang2 sampai 3 article die bagi, tapi kena summarizekan jadi
1 paragraph je. boleh jadi die bagi article dalam bentuk chart, table,statistic n etc.100 words.

~ni just nak ingatkan balik..buat sapa2 yang konfius dengan format..k..
don wori be happy..

Rasa-rasanya semua ok sebab dah exempted kan.x jauh beza dengan soalan Ept..
ada orang kata tahap level 6..cuma untuk listening, x boleh sure dapat American version
or British version..ikut nasib..So just bersedia.

Mid year papers
Informing new recruits at a workplace on the standards of behaviour expected in the

Q2-It is often claimed that the better educated a person is, the moremature he or
she becomes.

End year papers
How has the internet improved our lives?
Q2-As a country progress rapidly into the technological era, we are losing most of our
traditions and culture

Mid year papers
The similarities and differences between bird and human languages.
Q2-Education today should focus on producing creative individuals.
End year papers
Q1- n/a

Mid year paper
Why wild birds should not be blamed for the outbreak of bird flu.
Q2-National service trainees should be trained to use fire arms as part of the National
Services Programme.

End year paper
Describe the qualities of good magazine writing.
Q2-Role models have an impact on one's life.

credit to: lotuslavender

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